Рекомендуемые сервера
✅✅✅✅ВСЕМ ДОНАТ /FREE✅МНОГО МИНИ-ИГР,ГРИФ,GTARP✅✅✅✅ ▚▞ MigosMc.net 1.8-1.21.4 Прекрасное комьюнити ▞▚ ⁂ Выживание, Гриф, Ванила, Сталкер, Анархия, Мсо, Школа РолеПлей | |
Mc.vanillasquad.com Vanilla Squad ⛏ Выживай, строй, твори | |
mc.rorycraft.com:25565 A FeeeRi-CRAFT | |
iii Didmiestis iii Survival Creative .. Wiped [ ❆ Didmiestis ❆ ] ☃ [Survival] [Creative] [1.21.1] [Wiped 11/24] ☃ | |
fОбъединение с TIMETOPLAY ▪ 1.16-1.21.3 Survival | GTA | Polit | |
SwanCraft .. Nostalgic Semi-Vanilla SMP NO HUBS 🎁 It’s a SwanCraft Winter Wonderland 🎁 🎁 Don’t Miss the Frosted Crate Full of Goodies! 🎁 | |
loOLD Your chances of survival are thin loFROG Server has updated to 1.21.1! | | Vanilla Squad 🏞 Исследуй мир вокруг! | |
Why are you procrastinating come in and play Minehut.com The Server Hosting Network 1980 servers running. | |
dwsc.hypixel.net Hypixel Network [1.8-1.21] HOLIDAY EVENT | DISASTERS | MOUNTAINTOP |